Sunday, December 18, 2016

Les Brown

Les Brown
Focus on positive choices that move you closer to your dream. Make a conscious and deliberate effort to do at least one thing everyday that represents the highest and the best in you. Keep in mind, this is going to be your greatest year ever!
Do not allow yourself or anyone else to sabotage you. Stay on track. Refuse to lower your guard or to be pulled off course. Keep the main thing the main thing. Honor yourself by keeping your word to yourself. Everything matters. It is your time to achieve your dream. You have the POWER! You have GREATNESS within you!


Tony Robbins: 6 Basic Needs That Make Us Tick

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Les Brown

LET GO...or be dragged!! Decide to release the hold on what you have been hanging on to that has kept you stuck, frozen, ashamed, or indecisive. Let go of the clutter in your life, and decide not to do harm to yourself in your own mind. Give yourself permission to release any memories of experiences that keep you from creating your GREATEST life.
Look around the spaces of your life, and take time to clean up, clear out, and throw out what does not serve you. Do you own the stuff in your life...or does it own you? Learn to live with less. The more you release...physically and mentally, the more space you will create for new energy, new relationships and friendships, and brand new perspectives on life. Sometimes ~ less is more! Free yourself to live a life you love! You Deserve!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Les Brown

Too many of us are not living our dreams, because we are living our fears. Decide to become fearless. Face the thing you fear the most. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for.
If you can laugh at it. You can move past it. You have the ability to do more than you have ever hoped, imagined or dreamed. You have GREATNESS within you!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Les Brown

WORK IT OUT!! No matter what you are facing. Do not let it hang around, sap your strength and energy, or drag you down. Decide to find a way to work it out. Ideas will come if you tap into new resources and seek out different people. You will have to do some things that you have not been willing to do up until now.
Trust me on this. You hold the key to your own rescue. It has been said that "insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." Decide to stop getting in your own way. Make the commitment for yourself to work it out!!
You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Les Brown

If you have never failed at anything, then you have never reached for a big enough goal. If you only choose goals that are safe, familiar and right, you will never stretch far enough to know who you really can become or what you are capable of doing.
To do something different, you will need to be someone different. Decide to leave your safety zone. Move beyond fear of failure to the possibility of authentically and consistently living your truth and creating a bigger life. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Les Brown

You are in the middle of a miracle. Stand still. Do not panic. Keep the faith. Continue to work your plan. Stay focused with a determined vision. Dig in and resolve to yourself...It is not over...until I win!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Les Brown

Count your blessings. Gratitude is the fuel of resiliency. Train your mind to think of at least one thing for which you are thankful everyday. It is often easy to overlook the small but significant blessings in your life. Look for positive things outside of yourself, because sometimes you can not trust your mind.
When you choose to look at the positives instead of focusing on the negatives, you strengthen your courage and your internal capacity to take on life. Look yourself in the eye and realize that you are ultimately responsible for working your way out of this situation. Give up the desire for things to be easy and deal with circumstances such as you find them. Know that you have the power to live a meaningful and happy life. You have GREATNESS within you!
Are you hungry to share your message with the World? Watch my new training for speakers, coaches and authors on how to transform fear into fuel:

Les Brown

Commit to be a powerful force for good and a positive agent of change in the world. Nurture your life with beauty, pleasure, enjoyment and inspiration. Explore new interests and ways to become a more interesting person. Expand your capacity to dream, believe, create.
Learn to say no, no way, and no thank-you to requests which rob you of your time, and the ability to choose a more expansive future for yourself. Live fully from the center of your own life. Get out of your own way by refusing to replay a past that you can not relive or change, or a future that you can not see or control. Stay present. Decide to create a life that you love! You deserve to be happy and enjoy your life. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Les Brown

Live life as a giver ~ not a taker. Serve the needs of others by giving of your time, energy, resources and skills to encourage, enrich, educate, or enlighten their path. Step outside yourself and your own circle of comfort.
Actively look for ways to reach out and meet the needs of others. Your own life force and abilities will enlarge when you serve. Service opens your heart, deepens your feelings of compassion and connectedness, increases your ability to love generously and strengthens your resolve to live from a place of GREATNESS!!

Les Brown

Love. It is crucial. If you are fortunate, you get to do what you love for a living. If this is not the case for you right now, find a few moments in your day to do what you love. Too often we prioritize money above all else. We spend countless hours in unfulfilling positions, fortify relationships with folks we would never have as friends, and neglect ourselves, our families and friends to make the almighty dollar.
While supporting oneself is a reality of life, do your best to maintain your authenticity. Be proud of your work. Take part in projects that provide value to others as well as yourself. Remember that you are not defined by your spending ability. Life is more than big homes, fast cars, expensive clothes. Those who truly love you will not care if you have five million or five hundred dollars. They want you to be happy - and you will be, if you make time for who and what you love.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Les Brown

It has been said, "Wherever you find yourself... at some point in time you made an appointment to be there." If this is true in your case, own it. Face it. Get real with yourself. Do not stay in what you know is wrong because you did not listen to the warnings or to your own intuition. Things could have worked out. But they didn't. Do not allow fear or embarrassment of looking stupid to discourage you from doing what you need to do. Be ready to admit that you were wrong or that you made a mistake. Face it and move on. Do not beat yourself up. You did not listen to your first mind or trust your intuition. None of us is perfect.
Get some help to clear your thinking and carve out a new life for yourself. Contrary to popular belief, just because you made a mistake, you do not have to live with it for the rest of your life. You can decide to change it. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Stand up for yourself. Do not waste another day living a life that is not you. It may be a job, a business, a relationship, or a decision that you made. Cut your losses. Life and time are too precious to continue to live a lie. You deserve better and you can do better when you get the courage to do what you know you must. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Friday, March 25, 2016

les brown

Some things in life just are NOT worth it. It is not worth the stress, the lack of sleep, the wear and tear on your body, or the the feeling of being under siege in your own mind. As the song need to know when to hold them, when to fold them and when to walk away.
At the end of the day, it is important to know what really matters most in life: your sanity, health, family and the ability to start anew. Practice the real life lessons found in front of you from the serenity prayer. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Sometimes winning means not holding on, but learning to release your grip and letting go. Learn from it, grow from it and forgive yourself, if necessary. Let it go. Move on. You have GREATNESS within you!
If you feel called to make a difference and share your message with the World please click this link: and discover the 5 words that can change your life forever:

Friday, March 18, 2016

Les Brown

Do not allow your dream to get run over by life. Jump out of the fast lane take the time to determine who and what are really important. Sometimes the major stumbling block to your success are the people who surround you. If they have allowed their dreams to die, simply waiting to be and your dream may be the next casualty.
Find something that resonates with your heart. Pursue your passion. Decide to master something! You have talents, abilities, skills and ideas that need you to live. It would be scandalous if you did not use your own resources to make a difference in your own life; change your community; and improve the lives of people that you care about. Explode what is possible in your own life. You and your dream deserve another chance! You have GREATNESS within you!
Use your voice to make a difference click here:

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Les Brown

Do not stop living. Now and again life deals each of us a low blow. It knocks the wind right out of us and we lay there stunned. Do not stop living because a relationship that you wanted badly ended, a job that you gave your all to laid you off, or someone you love has passed on.
Everyone hits that wall. Down the line someone will look at you and think to themselves, either, “Wow, what grace and strength. That person has been through something,” or they will think, “Wow. What happened to that person? Life has jacked them up.” Grief and worry will mark you as surely as will love and forgiveness. Each is clearly visible on your face.
In times of adversity allow the natural buoyancy of your spirit to carry you upward. Think of your successes, large and small, and how they swelled your breast with pride. What simple gesture once brought you joy? Be still and remember these things as if they were but a moment ago.
The world needs your unabashed joy. Smell the flowers. Dance in the sunshine. Smile. Be joyful. Your life is not over. Years from now you will see that your destiny came from this dark moment. Something you would never have, do, or be, had you not gone through that thing. Allow Providence it's due. Embrace and be grateful for every moment, every emotion and every experience in your life. You have GREATNESS within you!
Click here for my 25 minute motivational message:

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Robin Sharma

51 Ways Ordinary People Reached World-Class

By Robin Sharma
#1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title
To the go-getter, a day without learning is like a day without breathing.
Hope you’re in hot pursuit of excellence on this gift of a day (you’ll only get this day once in your entire lifetime so I encourage you to use it well).
The reality is the great achievers + game-changers just did DIFFERENT (and seemingly strange) things.
So in my ongoing devotion to help you create a life you adore and reach rare-air success, I’ve distilled the unusual things the best performers do into this quick list. Read it now:
  1. Know what you want. Clarity is power. And vague goals promote vague results.
  2. Remember that every problem has a solution. Maybe you just can’t see it. Yet.
  3. In this Age of Dramatic Distraction, the performer who focuses the best wins the most.
  4. Before someone will help you, you need to help them.
  5. Become the most passionate person you know. It’ll be contagious.
  6. Know more about your craft/the work you do than anyone who has ever done the work you do…in the history of the world.
  7. Join The 5 am Club. Your most valuable hours are 5am-8 am. They have the least interruptions.
  8. Devote yourself to learning something new about your field of mastery every day. Success belongs to the relentless learners. Because as you know more, you can achieve more.
  9. Remember that when you transform your fitness, you’ll transform your business.
  10. Don’t check your mobile when you’re meeting with another person. It’s rude. And rude people don’t reach world-class.
  11. Every time you do what scares you, you take back the power that you gave to the thing that scared you. And so you become more powerful.
  12. A problem is only a problem if you make the choice to see it as a problem.
  13. Stop being a victim. Your business and personal life was made by you. No one else is responsible. To make it better, make better choices. And new decisions.
  14. You can lead without a title. Don’t wait to get a position to stand for excellence, peak quality and overdelivery on every expectation.
  15. Find your own style. Be an original. Every superstar differentiated themselves from The Herd. And marched to their own drumbeat.
  16. Understand that when you play small with your success, you betray your potential. And the birthright you were born under.
  17. Eat less food and you’ll get more done.
  18. As you become more successful, stay really really hungry. Nothing fails like success. Because when you’re successful, it’s easy to stop outlearning+outOverDelivering+outthinking and outexecuting everyone around you. (Success is Beautiful. And dangerous).
  19. If you’re not overprepared, you’re underprepared.
  20. The only level of great manners to play at is “Exceedingly Polite”. In our world, this alone will make you a standout. And differentiate you in your marketplace.
  21. Remember that the moment you think you’re a Master, you lose your Mastery. And the minute you think you know everything, you know nothing.
  22. To double your results, double your level of execution.
  23. Invest in your personal and professional development. All superstars do.
  24. Get this year’s best Targets of Opportunity down onto a 1 Page Plan. Then review it every morning while the rest of the world sleeps.
  25. You don’t get lucky. You create lucky.
  26. When you push through a difficult project, you don’t get to the other side. You reach The Next Level.
  27. Smile. And remember to inform your face.
  28. Spend time in solitude every day. Your best ideas live there.
  29. Debrief on how you lived out your day every night in a journal. This will not only record your personal history, it will make you uber-clear on what you’re doing right and what needs to be improved.
  30. If you’re not being criticized a lot, you’re not doing very much. Ridicule is the price of ambition.
  31. Develop a monomaniacal focus on just a few things. The secret to productivity is simplicity.
  32. To get the results very few people have, be strong enough to do what very few people are willing to do.
  33. Rest. Recover. It’ll make you stronger.
  34. Buy a smaller TV and build a larger library.
  35. Remember that the bigger the goal, the stronger a person you must become to achieve that goal. So goal-achieving is a superb practice for character-building.
  36. Food fuels your body. Learning feeds your mind.
  37. Don’t ask for respect. Earn it.
  38. Finish what you start. And always end strong.
  39. Breathe.
  40. In business, don’t play to survive. Play to win.
  41. Protect your good name. It’s your best asset.
  42. Remember that words have power. Use the language of leadership versus the vocabulary of a victim.
  43. Give more than you take. The marketplace rewards generosity.
  44. Know that if it’s not messy, you’re not making progress.
  45. Be a hero to a kid.
  46. In business, aim for iconic. Go for legendary. Make history by how awesome you are at what you do.
  47. Please don’t confuse activity with productivity. Many many people are simply busy being busy.
  48. Your doubts are liars. Your fears are traitors. Stop buying the goods they are attempting to sell you.
  49. The best anti-aging remedy in the world is working really hard.
  50. World-Class performers have no plan B. Failure just isn’t an option.
  51. You have the power to change the world–one brave act and one person at a time. Please use it.
… a very special thank you to all the people from across the planet who snapped up the first blocks of seating for my annual live event The 48 Hour Transformation.
Congratulations on making the decision that will revolutionize the results in your work, financial, health and personal life forever.
This self-mastery event has helped people from 50+ nations make the changes they’ve never been able to make…
And it’s widely considered one of the best live personal change programs in the world.
So come join me and all the others who have already snapped up the limited seats to this famous live event with me.
I’d truly love to help you step into the highest version of your greatest vision and create an amazing life…
I’ve just released a few more seats today…
Wishing you all success and epic performance.
We’re well into 2014 so definitely take some fresh action so it’s not just a repeat of last year.
Enter your name and email below to receive Robin’s inspirational information and you’ll immediately receive his ultra-inspiring eBook “The Little Black Book For Stunning Success” (value $29) for FREE (yes, we want to wow you!)
- See more at:

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Les Brown

Forgive yourself first. Release the need to replay a negative situation over and over again in your mind. Do not become a hostage to your past by always reviewing and reliving your mistakes. Do not remind yourself of what should have, could have or would have been. Release it and let it go. Move on.
You can not change the past, but you can determine that your past will not define your present, or dictate your future. Forgive your former self...for the way that it may have sabotaged your present options. Recognize that the ability to create a new life lies in the ability to forgive yourself first, and to make peace with your past. You have GREATNESS within you!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dr John Demartini

Make a list of things you resent, things you've never loved, anything you think you made a mistake on, whatever you think you could've done “better.” Then go through those items and ask: How did it serve me? How did it serve others? Respond... to these two questions again & again, until you discover the benefits of these actions/events, see the balance, the order, and the gifts resulting from them in your life.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dr John Demartini

Many stressful situations involve personal interactions with others, it’s wise to ask where and when you have participated in such an interaction with someone else who perceived you as being the source of their stress. This question can humble you and make you think twice about unwisely judging others, since a lot of stress involves exaggerated judgments about others. Self-reflection is wise and honest introspection often reveals humbling histories. When you become reflective your expectations often become more realistic.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Les Brown

Be open to change. Changing your life is hard! It requires everything in you to move your life in a different direction. Determine to break the habits that have caused you to live a life that does not reflect the real you. Embrace the fear of the unknown and release the need to stay stuck in your established routines. You are bigger and stronger than any habit, addiction or circumstance.
Change is not the result of wishful thinking, willpower, or even intention. It will happen because of hard work, careful planning, focused energy and feeling the pain that has kept you stuck. Until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change, your life will remain exactly the way it is. This new way of living requires dedication, practice, patience and pushing yourself in the right direction over and over again. You can change your life. You can do hard!! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Dr John Demartini

It is improbable that you will sustain a perfectly poised state of mind and body 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, for a life time. This is unrealistic and can actually initiate the very unrealistic expectation that can cloud your inner beauty. The world around us offers challenging new mysteries that help us grow and expand our awareness and influence. There is nothing but love and all else is illusion, but we are growing in this awareness daily as we awaken ourselves to our vast inner potential. Nothing is missing in each of us. We become ourselves to the degree that we make everyone else ourselves. Reflective consciousness liberates us from the bondage of our illusive nature and initiates the inner beauty we all radiate from within.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Les Brown

There is no time like the present. Start moving forward now. Maybe you have an idea you have put off developing, or you are stuck in park. Either way it is time to take steps towards accomplishing your goals. Do not make excuses. If you are uncertain of how to proceed, ask questions. Plenty of people have good ideas and plans but do not want to ask for help.
Collaboration is often the key to progress.
Success is when preparation, hard work and luck meet. Great opportunities do not knock, you have to seize them. Taking action now will prepare you to identify and take advantage of opportunities as they come. So stop waiting and start building. You have GREATNESS within you!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dr John Demartini

Your life demonstrates what is truly most important to you. People will often say what they think is important but what they take action on every day is what is really important to them. We make time for what is important to us so if we value something, we will sacrifice things that are lower on our priorities to do the things we value.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Dr John Demartini

We only fear rejection from those we subordinate to, minimise to or compare ourselves to and think we are inferior to. When we walk on the street and we meet somebody that we don’t think has as much social influence, or as much clout as we do, it won’t worry us if they don’t think highly of us. But the second we give power to their opinion over our own, we minimise ourselves to them, we think their opinion is greater than ours, that’s when the fear of rejection hurts. And that’s when we start sacrificing what we really want to do to try to please the people that we are enamoured with. We will lose our life trying to please people we think are above us or more powerful than us. Because when you devalue yourself, so does the world. When you value yourself, so does the world. You are only going to feel rejection if you minimise yourself to someone else. View my video in which I share valuable insights on how to do deal with rejection.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Dr John Demartini

As a leader, it is wise to compose an inspired mission and vision statement that will awaken vitality, intensity and power in all those you serve. Your powerful mission statement will express your inner most dominant thoughts and deepest inspiration and it will originate from the very essence of your being. The degree of inspiration and enthusiasm that will permeate your service will be directly proportionate to the vividness of your vision and congruency of your mission.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Dr John Demartini -

Everyone experiences moments where outer circumstances appear to be an overwhelming crisis. To many these circumstances dominate and rule their lives. To some these crises leave lasting scars unless they are recognized as truly being blessings. When the worst crisis becomes your greatest blessing, you heal. Nature does not deliver crisis without opportunity or misfortune without blessing. If you would like to help others learn from your experiences share on the wall some of the blessings that you have received from your previous crises

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Les Brown

You have the power to live a bigger life. Challenge yourself. Take the risk! Become daring. There are things in your life that are no longer you and you know it in your heart. There is no law that says you have to carry the whole world on your shoulders. And the emptiness and lack of fulfillment inside is getting too much to bear.
It’s time to take care of you. Live your dream. Take off the cape. Do what you know and not what you feel. You deserve to live too! You have needs too! Give yourself a mental break and take time to get centered, grounded and reconnected with your spirit. Allowing your time to be wasted with people who are not serious is not fruitful and it’s stressful. Staying in a job where you are not appreciated or valued or validated is draining and toxic. Hanging on to a relationship that has been dead a long time ago takes a toll. Take a deep breath and tap into the courage to make the tough decision. Things might be difficult for a while, but don’t underestimate yourself.
You will survive. You always have! Life is on your side. You’re more powerful and stronger than you give yourself credit for being. No guts, no glory. You have one life to live, live the life you love and love the life you live. Family and friends may attempt to discourage you. Tell them thank you, I got that, and move on. At the end of the day, it’s your life. Keep in mind, it’s lonely at the top, but you eat better! You deserve to be happy. You deserve to make your life a daring adventure and to manifest the GREATNESS within you!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Les Brown

Every life has its ups and downs. Learn to be present to the seasons in your own life. If you are ill ~ remember that you are more than a physical body. Know that what can not be cured, can often be healed. If you are sad, take charge of your mind and focus on things that make you smile and laugh again. If you feel lonely, tap into your imagination to use your time to serve or learn something new . There are times in life when you will have more questions than answers. Even in the darkness of this time, know that you are not alone. Be still and listen to your heart, which will allow you to access a deep strength and genuine joy for life.
Allow yourself to hear your own still small voice; to believe in your truth; to find a place within of safety and peace; and to understand the depth and truth of your own feelings. Life is meant to be lived~ not endured or existing feeling totally stressed out. You have the power to create a life in which you are respected for who you are ~ valued, cherished and celebrated! Life is too short to allow other people to steal your joy. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you

Les Brown

Drop it like it's hot...all the doubt, worry, frustration, stress and anxiety that has been robbing you of your health or causing you to lose sleep at night. Decide to live your life looking forward...not backwards. Examine yourself and be brutally honest with you. If you have habits, behaviors, or choices that are taking you down the wrong path, or that don't represent the GREATNESS that is within you...face the truth.
Make the hard decision to release these from your life. Don't allow these choices or habits to rob you of your greatest life or dictate your future. Take back your power, deepen your resolve to win, and intensify the pursuit of what you want. Practice calming your mind, going within, and finding a place of peace within yourself. The mark of GREATNESS is upon you. Live from this place...because this is the truth of who you really are.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Les Brown

Stay connected with people who inspire, nourish and bring out the best in you. It takes time to pull yourself together and to heal if you have been hurt, humiliated, or become emotionally broken because of what you have gone through. You can become disconnected with the real you and forget who you really are. It is necessary to read, listen and focus on positive things. Things that strengthen your mind, develop your confidence and fortify your spirit. Create a strategy that will allow you to rid your life of people whose only intention is to strip, destroy, or take you down.
Be aware that there are certain situations that are just not good for you. Make a conscious, deliberate effort to focus your mind exclusively on things that will build you up, give you hope and expand the possibilities in all dimensions of your life. You have the capacity and the ability to rebuild your life. What you have gone through can be used to develop another part of yourself. Stay connected with positive people with the knowledge that you will get through this. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!