Saturday, August 29, 2015

Remember it is not over until you win.
Life offers us abundant opportunities for laughter and tears. Put
the good times in your pocket to SAVOR. The challenging times go to your heart and soul.
Your ability to handle life's challenges is a measure of your strength and character. Remember that NO FAILURE is permanent and defeat is not fatal.
Let me hear you say, "It's NOT OVER 'TIL I WIN!!"

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Get started. There is nothing else to talk about. You have allowed fear to hold you captive long enough. You have thought.. "I would.. but". Push your "but" out of the way and get started. You have been procrastinating long enough.
Even you do not believe your own excuses anymore. Get started. The writing is on the wall. You know in your heart of hearts you will never forgive yourself if you do not get started. It does not matter what people say. They will say it and think it anyhow. This is your life. Take control of it and GET STARTED!! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!
You are enough. It is not what you do not is what you think you need that keeps you from living your greatest life. Everything you need to make your dream a reality is within you. It takes effort and work to develop yourself.
You have abilities and talents in you that you have not reached for yet. You have untapped power, drive and determination to get things done. It requires making up your mind, then sticking to it. Now is the time for your "A" game. You have what it takes. Make something happen! You have something special . You have GREATNESS within you!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Open yourself up to the possibilities of how expansive your life can become. Stand in the knowing that you have so much more in you to express. Decide today to take a massive step forward with a smile of determination to move the challenges and obstacles facing you out of your path.
Find one area of your life that needs to be changed - be it your relationship, finances, health, or your work/life situation. Ask yourself - "Who do I need to become and what must I do to make a major impact on this part of my life?" Give this area your undivided attention for a minimum of 15 minutes each day for at least 30 days. Make this commitment non-negotiable. What is more important than your own word to yourself? Make it happen! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Are you spending the time of your life on things that really matter? Does your life seem like an never-ending treadmill of work, commitments and chasing money that seems to evaporate each time you grab it? Each new day gives you the opportunity to transform your own life and to influence the lives of others.
Be intentional and focused with your time and your energy. Give the most time to those life experiences and special moments that enhance connection and communication with the people who enrich your life. The time of your life can not be recalled, recycled or rewound. Make it important to carve out refueling time for yourself. Create intimate moments with the people you love. You Deserve!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Drink from the full cup of life. Taste the bitter, along with the sweet, knowing that all of it deepens your experience of life. Life is a roller-coaster. You will have ups and downs, unexpected drops, twists, turns and loops. Buckle your emotional and spiritual seat belt and hold on.
Choose to release your grip on the pain in your life...especially pain that is self-inflicted. Decide that you are not going to let the hurts of the past rob you of your present or future happiness. As you move through life, you will have experiences that can make you bitter or make you better. Remember you always have a choice. Choose to allow each experience to make you better and wiser. Grow through them. Continue to find ways to deepen and express the GREATNESS within you!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Some things in life just are NOT worth it. It is not worth the stress, the lack of sleep, the wear and tear on your body, or the the feeling of being under siege in your own mind. As the song need to know when to hold them, when to fold them and when to walk away.
At the end of the day, it is important to know what really matters most in life: your sanity, health, family and the ability to start anew. Practice the real life lessons found in front of you from the serenity prayer. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Sometimes winning means not holding on, but learning to release your grip and letting go. Learn from it, grow from it and forgive yourself, if necessary. Let it go. Move on. You have GREATNESS within you!
Most people have gone as far as they want to go and they are satisfied with living a small life. That's not you!! Make up your mind to break loose and live the life you were meant to live, fueled by your passion, skills and determination. Continue to hold the vision of what you want for your life and live from your dream.
Break the shackles of fear, procrastination and despair. Tap into your faith, relentless action and inspiration to create your greatest life. Your life matters in the greater scheme of things. You were put here to make a difference and create something original. Design a legacy worthy of your greatest self. Stay on the path. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!!
Shut down the drama in your life. It's unhealthy. Arguing and fighting creates dis-ease. Stay away from negative, selfish, energy-draining relationships that do not honor you, or even worse ~ use you, abuse you and take advantage of your kindness. Don't buy into their negativity or guilt trips. Resolve to live in peace.
Don't attempt to change others. There Is enough work to do on yourself. Develop relationships where all parties can grow and create an atmosphere of mutual respect, love, and appreciation. Free yourself from inner chaos by meditation, relaxation and stillness. What you create inside of yourself will manifest outside yourself. Create a sanctuary where you can live in peace, relax your mind, revive your spirit and renew your purpose. You have GREATNESS within you!!
Count your blessings...gratitude is the fuel of resiliency. Train your mind to think of at least one thing for which you are thankful everyday. It is often easy to overlook the small but significant blessings in your life. Look for positive things outside of yourself, because sometimes you can't trust your mind. When you choose to look at the positives instead of focusing on the negatives, you strengthen your courage, and your internal capacity to take on life. Look yourself in the eye, and realize that you are ultimately responsible for working your way out of this situation. Give up the desire for things to be easy, and deal with circumstances such as you find them. Know that you have the power to live a meaningful and happy life. You deserve!
ossible for you, building your skills, and creating a network of achievement focused relationships. Choose to be a powerful force in your own life and in the world. Make choices on a daily basis that will move you in the direction of what you want to create for yourself. Summon up the courage, the resourcefulness, and the motivation to create a life that you can be proud of. Use your imagination, talents and abilities to live a life of purpose, make a greater impact, and to live your legacy now.
rious and determined you are. Don't take it personally ~ it comes with the territory. No testimony. KEEP MOVING!! Sometimes your funds are low and your bills are high. You have to fake a smile when you want to cry...but keep moving forward!! When your back is up against the wall..lean into it, and stand tall. Keep moving...even if you fall. Crawl if you must ~ look up, but keep moving forward! Every dream comes with a test, and demands of you to bring out your best. Believe in yourself, unleash your power, and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!
When things go wrong...don't go with them. These are times that may test your spirit, sanity, and faith. In life, things may happen to you and to the people that you care about. What matters the most is what happens in you!! That's what you control.
Choose to respond from a place of power and possibility. Affirm to yourself over and over again until it affects you at the cellular level..."No matter how bad it is...or how bad it gets...I'm going to make it." Your words create your world. As you speak these words with power, feeling, and conviction....they will become your reality.
Express yourself. There is something in you the world needs now! Don't allow your own self-doubt, fear, and the negative opinions of others to stifle your gifts. Express yourself! If you know what your passion is, use it in every way you can to be of service to others.
If you don't, experiment with a variety of things until you find out what resonates with your mind, your heart, and your spirit. The world needs people who are on fire about their dream...who are hungry to make their mark....who are determined to leave a legacy. EXPRESS YOURSELF!!!
ur job, or your business may have taken a turn for the worse. In the midst of this, don't forget who you are. You still have you!! Determine that this will not break will make you stronger! Stand up in yourself and be courageous. Look to the future and not the past. Create the mindset that this will bring out the GREATNESS in you. You will survive and thrive once again. You were born to win. NEVER GIVE UP!!!
Focus on where you are going...not where you are. Speak life to your circumstances, situations, and challenges. Hold the vision of a brilliant future, and ofwhat you are creating. Adverse circumstances will try to shape and mold you. Stand firm - you will come through this even stonger and more powerful than before.
Dedicate your energy to doing positive things that feed your spirit, your soul, and your mind. Remember that you hold the key to shape your life and your future. There is power in you to blaze a new trail, and to pursue your greatness. You have something have GREATNESS within you!!
Refuse to complain. Complaining is just a way of not taking responsibility, justifying doing nothing, and programming yourself to fail. Complaining creates the illusion that you have done something. Instead, pour your energy into improving your situation. When you find ways to be productive and maintain a sense of optimism, you demonstrate that you are in control of your own life.
Complainers focus on what has happened, and give up their power. Winners focus on making things happen, and using their power to find solutions to their challenges. You were born to create something magnificent with your life!! Solution-based thinking gives you that power. You deserve!!
Lions don't have to roar. There is power in silence, confidence, and persistence. Those who work don't talk, and those who talk don't work. Handle your business. Measure your efforts by results. Focus your time, energy, and activity on mastering and executing a plan.
Avoid the energy draining practice of telling people what you're going to do. Instead, spend your time and effort in doing the things that are necessary to accomplish your goals. Keep your focus. and stay determined in order to pursue your dream. Let your work, not your words, speak for itself. You deserve!
Don’t stop now! Continue to work on yourself and your dream. Don’t look for others to hold your heart, take your hand, or have your back. You are responsible for your own life, and for creating your own path. Commit to move out of your own way. Stop procrastinating or waiting for someone to rescue you.
Be clear about who you can count on, and who you must count out. Make adjustments, and surround yourself with positive energy, people, and thoughts. Great things take time, effort, and sacrifice!! Keep looking up and moving forward with the end in mind. It's not over until you win!!
Break loose! Free yourself from dysfunctional people who are experts at meeting their own needs at the expense of yours. Don't let people stay in your life who trample on your feelings or behave badly. Set clear boundaries so that you don't get caught up their maze of madness, or feel responsible for their life choices or consequences. Live in your own story. Don't try to edit someone else's.
Practice radical self-care, and work to maintain your peace of mind. Do something everyday that nourishes your spirit, opens your heart, and builds mental resiliency. It's your life. Live intentionally with purpose and passion. You deserve!!
Do not waste your time on foolishness or foolish people. Time is the stuff that life is made of and your life is extremely valuable to you, your family and to the world. Guard it at all costs. Life is full of attractive, distracting foolishness which will waste your time and deplete your much-needed energy.
Foolish people do not like to own responsibility for their decisions and never see the impact of their actions and choices on their lives. They will try to recruit you into their madness. They will attempt to convince you to pay their bills, pay their way and solve their problems. They will not listen to anyone ~ even though their life is in shambles.
Let others be satisfied with being spectators, complainers and victims. You are a player on the field of life. You have dreams and goals that you are determined to achieve. You have drive and a desire to make your life matter. There are things that others find very enjoyable which just do not fit who you are. Be focused, relentless and HUNGRY to make your life count. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!
Life has given you another chance. Use it wisely. Despite life's tragedies, catastrophic events, horrific experiences, unanticipated problems, or temporary setbacks ~ you are still here! Decide that this situation will not take you out! Now is the time to get tough and get moving!!
In the midst of moments of unspeakable pain...follow these three simple steps:
1) Go within and quiet your mind;
2) Strengthen yourself spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally; and 3) Face the situation or problem head on. Know that you are greater than anything that has happened or anything that will happen to you. Remember, you have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!
There are times in life when you don't feel like you have what it takes to make it. You may feel like giving up, but this is not who you are. You still have a second wind. Suck up the pain and handle it.
Life yields to courage, determination and perseverance. You were designed to do great things. Whatever life throws at you...stand up and handle it!! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!