Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Les Brown

It has been said, "Wherever you find yourself... at some point in time you made an appointment to be there." If this is true in your case, own it. Face it. Get real with yourself. Do not stay in what you know is wrong because you did not listen to the warnings or to your own intuition. Things could have worked out. But they didn't. Do not allow fear or embarrassment of looking stupid to discourage you from doing what you need to do. Be ready to admit that you were wrong or that you made a mistake. Face it and move on. Do not beat yourself up. You did not listen to your first mind or trust your intuition. None of us is perfect.
Get some help to clear your thinking and carve out a new life for yourself. Contrary to popular belief, just because you made a mistake, you do not have to live with it for the rest of your life. You can decide to change it. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Stand up for yourself. Do not waste another day living a life that is not you. It may be a job, a business, a relationship, or a decision that you made. Cut your losses. Life and time are too precious to continue to live a lie. You deserve better and you can do better when you get the courage to do what you know you must. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Friday, March 25, 2016

les brown

Some things in life just are NOT worth it. It is not worth the stress, the lack of sleep, the wear and tear on your body, or the the feeling of being under siege in your own mind. As the song goes...you need to know when to hold them, when to fold them and when to walk away.
At the end of the day, it is important to know what really matters most in life: your sanity, health, family and the ability to start anew. Practice the real life lessons found in front of you from the serenity prayer. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Sometimes winning means not holding on, but learning to release your grip and letting go. Learn from it, grow from it and forgive yourself, if necessary. Let it go. Move on. You have GREATNESS within you!
If you feel called to make a difference and share your message with the World please click this link: http://bit.ly/1pvzbV7 and discover the 5 words that can change your life forever: http://bit.ly/1pvzbV7

Friday, March 18, 2016

Les Brown

Do not allow your dream to get run over by life. Jump out of the fast lane take the time to determine who and what are really important. Sometimes the major stumbling block to your success are the people who surround you. If they have allowed their dreams to die, simply waiting to be buried...you and your dream may be the next casualty.
Find something that resonates with your heart. Pursue your passion. Decide to master something! You have talents, abilities, skills and ideas that need you to live. It would be scandalous if you did not use your own resources to make a difference in your own life; change your community; and improve the lives of people that you care about. Explode what is possible in your own life. You and your dream deserve another chance! You have GREATNESS within you!
Use your voice to make a difference click here: http://bit.ly/1nIZSoc

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Les Brown

Do not stop living. Now and again life deals each of us a low blow. It knocks the wind right out of us and we lay there stunned. Do not stop living because a relationship that you wanted badly ended, a job that you gave your all to laid you off, or someone you love has passed on.
Everyone hits that wall. Down the line someone will look at you and think to themselves, either, “Wow, what grace and strength. That person has been through something,” or they will think, “Wow. What happened to that person? Life has jacked them up.” Grief and worry will mark you as surely as will love and forgiveness. Each is clearly visible on your face.
In times of adversity allow the natural buoyancy of your spirit to carry you upward. Think of your successes, large and small, and how they swelled your breast with pride. What simple gesture once brought you joy? Be still and remember these things as if they were but a moment ago.
The world needs your unabashed joy. Smell the flowers. Dance in the sunshine. Smile. Be joyful. Your life is not over. Years from now you will see that your destiny came from this dark moment. Something you would never have, do, or be, had you not gone through that thing. Allow Providence it's due. Embrace and be grateful for every moment, every emotion and every experience in your life. You have GREATNESS within you!
Click here for my 25 minute motivational message: http://bit.ly/1LRJCfS