Monday, December 28, 2015

les brown

Lions do not have to roar. There is power in silence, confidence, and persistence. Those who work don't talk, and those who talk do not work. Handle your business. Measure your efforts by results. Focus your time, energy, and activity on mastering and executing a plan.
Avoid the energy draining practice of telling people what you're going to do. Instead, spend your time and effort in doing the things that are necessary to accomplish your goals. Keep your focus. and stay determined in order to pursue your dream. Let your work, not your words, speak for itself. You have GREATNESS within you!

les brown

Stop trying to change the people you love and change yourself! Stop trying to change people who take your money but will not take your advice. You will only drain your own mental, spiritual, emotional and financial reserves. The truth is...people change when they are sick and tired of being sick and tired or hit rock bottom.
If you are dealing with addiction or irresponsible behavior from grown adults ~ protect your wallet and your mind. It does not mean you do not love them. Your attempts to help may only delay what is inevitable. Allow them to take the journey they have chosen for themselves. Choose to let go of the guilt and be at peace. You may require counseling or emotional support to stop being an enabler. If necessary, give yourself some distance so that you can stop being used or manipulated because they know that you care and you love them. You have the right to enjoy a guilt-free, happy and productive life. Commit yourself to changing the only person you really can - YOU!! You have GREATNESS within you!!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Robin Sharma

As we near a new year, please take some time for yourself. Go into the woods or out to the sand. Walk close to the ocean or near the mountains.
And reach deep into the place of your highest nature...committing to:
--lifting your standards from any form of mediocrity to outright mastery. Be the Michelangelo of what you do.
--speaking words of respect and inspiration versus the language of negative and victimhood
--release all excuses and get gorgeous dreams done. Less talk. More do.
--being the most generous person on your street (Giving is the antidote to scarcity)
--getting your mindset to world-class and your character to rare-air. Why? Because we will never fly higher than our self-identity. That's were the real masters work.
--finding time every day to read, learn, progress and grow. Education is inoculation against disruption. And as you know more you can achieve more.
--helping the homeless, the workless and the loveless. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. That stranger on the street was a parent's treasure. And some child's hero.
--forgiving the unforgiven, understanding they know no better. Only people in pain can hurt other people.
--becoming a model of inspiration, decency, excellence and energy
The world has never needed you to radiate greatness and love as it does right now. You can lead. You can help all of us. Just start. Today.
Let us come together in 2016 to be an army of good, spreading what is best so all may rise.
I'll be here to help you 1000%. Count on me.
Much love, Robin

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Les Brown

Focus on solutions ~ not problems! What you focus on the longest becomes the strongest. The best way to deal with the challenges you are facing is to look for solutions. Spend your time being creative, resourceful and get some help. Worry is faith turned inside out...assuming the negative. It wastes your energy and does not solve anything. It paralyzes you, stifles your growth and robs you of your creativity.
Use your imagination to come up with a variety of approaches to move your life forward. Challenge yourself to think beyond that which is commonly accepted. Hold the vision of what you want. Be clear about this and move forward with the feeling and expectation that things are going to work out just fine. You have GREATNESS within you!!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Les Brown

Learn to live beyond your mistakes. When you attempt anything ambitious, you are going to make mistakes. The biggest achievements are often those that result from the biggest mistakes. You will achieve your way to success when you refuse to let the mistakes stop you. Find a way to let those mistakes teach you. Move beyond them to your next success! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Life caught you on the blind side and knocked you off your feet. You expected something, but it did not happen. You did no t expect this challenge, however, it came into your life. You worked hard and did not get the outcome you wanted. No matter what your situation may be, know this..the floor is no place for a winner.
Get up. Crawl if you must. Cry, scream or shout. But get up! Lying down will not change a thing. Talking about how close you were, will not bring it about. Complaining will not put any money in the bank. Shake it off, throw away the Kleenex and get your head right! We all get the wind knocked out of us from time to time by life. Do not let it get the best of you! You are stronger than you think you are. You have the right stuff. Do not take it personally. It is called life. Get up, get busy and work your business. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Dr John Demartini discusses the seven areas that people and nations need to fulfill in order to succeed and avoid being over-powered by others.

There are seven areas of life that we are here to fulfill:
•    Our spiritual mission;
•    Our mental genius/creativity;
•    Our vocational success, achievement, service;
•    Our financial freedom/independence;
•    Our family love and intimacy and continuance of procreation;
•    Our social influence and leadership; and
•    Our physical health, stamina, strength and well-being.

Any of these seven areas that we as individuals don’t empower will become overpowered by others. So any area of life that we don’t empower, somebody else will overpower. We are not victims of their over-empowerment, we are simply not empowered and it is their over-powerment that in turn initiates and catalyzes our drive for inner-empowerment.

I have yet to meet anyone who did not want to expand their powers in each of these areas. No one gets up and honestly says that they want to shrink in power.

As Nietzsche proclaimed, we all have the will to power. Just as we as individuals have these yearnings for these powers, so do collective societies and nations. But now their descriptions also have to expand. Our individual spiritual mission now becomes the dominant, spiritual/religious ideologies of a nation. Our mental genius becomes our educational system. Our goals for achievement and success become our GDP, our corporate entrepreneurial and national business development. Our economics become the wealth of our nation, income per capita, again the stability of our national economics and the assets. Our family stability is our marriage and divorce ratios and our fertility / mortality rates. Our social influence is our influence on other nations around the world and our leaderships and our physical health and wellbeing becomes our healthcare systems, policing systems and military strength. 

Now if a nation does not empower any of theseseven areas, that area can be overcome and overpowered by other nations or groups. This applies to nations just as it applies to individuals. The will to power and empowerment, although assumed to be about race, creed, colour, age or sex isn’t in fact limited by these factors. There is always somebody from each race, creed, colour, age or sex that empowers their lives and is not overpowered. 

It’s all about empowering. 

The first step in empowering each of these areas is education. Success leaves clues and those individuals as well as those nations that have risen in power need to follow these clues. Awakening to and owning these traits and, developing and furthering these traits, and awakening these traits in each of the seven areas of life can both empower individuals and nations. 

If we blame outer circumstances for why we are not empowered, we will hinder our empowerment, but if we start acting and doing the things that are proven to empower, we rise in power. Instead of having individuals or nations sitting in the shadows of other individuals or othernations, it’s wise for individuals and nations to recognise that nothing is missing in them,particularly in their areas of competitive advantage andthat they are just not acknowledging, awakening or honouringthe powers they have. Once they awaken these powers and recognisethem, through awareness and education, each competitive advantage that each individual or nation has, can shine.

If we as individuals and nations concentrate on what we do have, and recognise our power and use it wisely, we will not become overpowered. 

Empowerment is not provided from the outside; empowerment comes from within. The moment the individual or nation realises that nothing is missing inside them and they value themselves, so does the world. Empowerment is not what corrupts, it’s the fear of being overpowered that corrupts. 

The anticipation of loss of power corrupts, not the gain of power.

Dr. John Demartini is a human behaviour specialist, educator, author and the founder of the Demartini Institute.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Les Brown

Decide today to make your future brighter than your past.
Become still and think about what you want more of in your life, or what you value the most in your life right now. Commit yourself to making this a huge priority. Where your attention goes, your energy flows.
Create positive stories in your life every single day. For the next 7 days, do not listen to or talk about anything negative that happened to you, or someone else in the past. Allow yourself to bring light where there is darkness; speak peace where there is anger and infuse love where there is indifference. Create something today that you will be proud of in the future. You have GREATNESS within you!!